Shift from Guesswork to Precision:
Safeguard Your Investments with
Data-Driven Sales Insights

The London School of Sales offers an independent evaluation of your sales strategy, providing critical insights and an action plan to drive growth before making significant investments.


Your business is in transition; the sales strategy and operational plan need validation and the dots connected before taking action.

The LSOS 360° Sales Impact Assessment supports revenue leaders of small to medium-sized businesses in evaluating their sales engine's efficiency and validating whether current strategies align with future needs.

Critically assess and refine your sales strategies, systems, and structures. Is your business:

Experiencing stagnant or declining sales?

Lacking a clear, cohesive sales process and plan resulting in extended sales cycle times?

Suffering from misaligned sales and marketing efforts?

Preparing for a growth phase and needing a robust foundation?

Aiming to boost your sales team’s performance and productivity?

Let us conduct the assessment, reduce guesswork, and promote collaborative action, setting your sales organisation up for success.

How Our Sales Assessment Will Help You Make Informed Decisions

Gain Clarity On Eliminate Wasted
Energy On
Uncertainty Around
Understanding the root causes of sales challenges
Firefighting and spending time on the wrong focus areas
Where to focus your time, energy, and efforts
Defining the sales strategy and operational plan for success
Misaligned sales strategies that don’t contribute to the overall business goal
Which sales strategies and tactics are most effective
Existing sales processes and activities that are inadequate and inefficient
Redundant steps and bottlenecks in the sales process
Confusion about the most efficient way to move prospects through the sales process

What to Expect

A Comprehensive Report to Make Informed Decisions and Take Action

Discover critical areas for immediate enhancement and long-term success.
Ensure your investments are strategically sound.


Review your current strategy to ensure alignment with business objectives. Receive expert recommendations tailored for strategic alignment and growth.


Assess sales processes and frameworks to identify gaps and optimisation opportunities. Ensure streamlined and effective operations.


Understand your sales team's strengths and development needs. Use the insights for targeted training and coaching.


Analyse how your sales strategies align with market demands. Adjust your approach to meet customer needs better.


Evaluate interactions between sales teams and other key departments. Enhance collaboration for unified efforts towards common goals.

Gain Clarity On Eliminate Wasted
Energy On
Uncertainty Around
Understanding the root causes of sales challenges
Firefighting and spending time on the wrong focus areas
Where to focus your time, energy, and efforts
The sales strategy
Misaligned sales strategies that don’t contribute to the overall business goal
Which sales strategies and tactics are most effective
Inefficient sales processes
Redundant steps and bottlenecks in the sales process
Confusion about the most efficient way to move prospects through the sales process
Ineffective sales team performance
Inconsistent performance and skills gaps
Development needs and priorities for training and coaching
Alignment between sales and marketing
Disconnected efforts between teams that lead to missed opportunities
How to align marketing initiatives with sales goals
Sales forecasting and critical metrics
Guesswork and inaccuracies in sales projections
Doubts about future revenues and setting sales targets due to lack of insights
Lead management
Focusing on the wrong leads and follow-ups
Which leads to prioritise
Sales tools and technologies
Outdated or underutilised sales tools that don’t contribute to productivity
Which technologies you need to deliver better sales outcomes
Value proposition and market alignment
Vague or unconvincing value propositions that fail to resonate with prospects / the target market
Doubts about how you can effectively articulate the business’s unique value to the ideal customer profiles