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Why Investing in Sales Training Is Crucial in Tough Times

October 25, 2022

The pandemic and changing economic conditions affect sales in every sector. However, it should not be forgotten that many success stories are created by the unique opportunities that arise during such periods.

While challenging times are filled with bad news and pessimistic forecasts, history tells us that keeping hope and taking action are the best survival skills.

Because in such periods, teams and organisations that adapt and improve themselves notice new opportunities much earlier and rebuild their sales strategies accordingly.

Let’s discover the importance of sales training in tough times and why sales training courses are the fastest way for teams to positively change their perspective and growth mindset.

Prejudices and Facts

In traditional business models, training is one of the first things cut from the budget when things aren’t going well. However, in the modern era, it is necessary to put aside obsolete practices and rethink what is important. Because the data shows that sales training creates a radical difference in competition, especially in times of change.

Organisations that invest in team development with sales training are 57% more effective than their competitors, and sales training delivers a 353% ROI for companies

In times when resource and team efficiency are vital, the difference that sales training makes can significantly impact an organisation’s fate more than any other factor.

Overcoming Challenges by Changing 

Challenging times can also bring unexpected opportunities. It may be the ideal time to help sales professionals differentiate themselves from the competition according to the changes.

Sales training helps team members understand that they can be more successful than ever by changing their perspectives and developing new strategies. It enables them to make more consistent and accurate decisions by remaining hopeful, self-confident and focused.

Tips for Turning Sales Training Into Business Success


Sales training can give your sales reps the energy they need during tough times and significantly increase their productivity, performance and customer relationships. However, some steps should be taken to ensure your team, and all company units, are reaping the full benefits of sales training.

Taking these steps not only prepares the sales team, leaders and organisation for training but also makes learning a core value that can continuously improve the business.

Identify Your Team’s Needs 

Understanding your sales team’s needs from every angle is the first step. Each member of the team has their own needs, habits and goals. And in challenging times, it’s probable that sales team members are not only anxious about their professional lives but their personal lives too. It’s important to support them by taking a holistic view of their challenges, both in and out of work.

When an organisation continuously supports the sales team by understanding their personal needs, managers can clearly meet the team’s professional needs. Understanding their professional needs makes it easier for sales managers to know what areas their team needs to improve and to choose the most appropriate sales training programme.

Plan Your Team’s Training Process 

Sales team leaders should be clear on the roadmap employees will follow during training and how the company will support them. Where possible it is important to involve team members in the activity  so they are part of the process and can be accountable for their own plans.

This is crucial for the efficiency and long-term effects of training, as the stress and anxiety arising from uncertainty in times of change make time management difficult and reduce performance. Well-planned processes can settle the team and increase their focus.

Set Achievable Qualitative and Quantitative Goals

Setting goals specific to addressing business outcomes or challenges is an essential part of evaluating the effectiveness of the training outcomes.  By focusing on the broader business goals, the training can be used as a vehicle to close the gaps and provide the team with the toolkit to develop and change both skills and mindset.

For decision-makers evaluating the effectiveness of the sales training, being able to see tangible achievements provides justification, proves the importance of sales training and reassures them of the development strategy to continue to invest in sales development training.

Measure Training Results 

Measuring the outputs of the training with a focus on business outcomes and challenges helps to understand how close the team is to its goals. In this way, leaders can provide the necessary support for any challenges their team may have in the training.

Changing perspectives with increasing depth of knowledge frees your team from burnout and gives them energy and momentum to improve their sales performance.  This performance boost gives the team the motivation and determination they need to create new opportunities in difficult times. 

Create a Supportive Work Environment

Under challenging times, feeling lonely and not getting necessary support from leaders makes it difficult for team members to overcome their problems. Therefore, it is vital to promote a working environment and culture that supports learning and development.

Reinforcing learning by allowing the team to practice, share experiences and reflect on what to do differently enables them to turn their training experience into value. 

This is why sales managers should act as a coach and continuously seek to understand each team member’s specific development needs.. They should create opportunities for their team members to talk openly with each other and their leaders about their training experience, exchange feedback and apply what they have learned to real life.

Make Continuous Learning a Culture

The dynamics in sales are constantly changing, and one-time training is often insufficient. Ensuring the continuity of training gives maximum results both to keep team performance at its peak and to keep the company structure constantly ready for changing competitive conditions. 

In organisations that make continuous learning a part of the work culture, team members can always keep their skillsets up-to-date and continuously improve their sales techniques. A flexible and adaptable team deepens the pool of short- and long-term business strategies managers can implement. This enables you to convert a significant portion of business opportunities, which become increasingly important in difficult times, into success.

Choosing the Right Training Programme in Tough Times 

Each organisation will approach the dynamics and challenges of sales in their own unique way. The most successful companies are exceptional at retaining experienced salespeople and developing new sales talent. They achieve this by providing a consistent environment for sales teams to earn and learn.

The unique methodology, comprehensive content and innovative training platform of the LSOS online sales training programme have been developed by a team of sales coaches with years of industry experience.

If you are ready to improve the performance of your team to stay competitive and give them essential sales skills to turn challenges into sales opportunities, you can discover LSOS sales training solutions.