From "Overwhelmed" to "Empowered":
Elevate Your Leadership and Drive Sales Success

The London School of Sales offers an 8-week dynamic Sales Manager Group Coaching designed to unlock potential and transform team performance.


Transition from managing to leading with confidence, and inspire your team to success.

The programme provides sales managers with the tools to develop essential hard and soft skills. It offers a forum to safely share experiences and learn from like-minded peers, preparing ambitious sales managers for success in today’s dynamic sales environment.

The LSOS Sales Manager Enabler is ideal for:

Emerging Leaders

New to their roles and looking to develop critical management and leadership skills for dynamic sales environments.

Performance Enhancers

Managers aiming to improve team performance and drive robust sales results.

Strategic Executors

Those responsible for implementing comprehensive sales strategies and seeking deeper strategic insights.

Team Developers

Managers facing challenges in motivating and developing their sales teams effectively.


Those looking to enhance their decision-making and problem-solving capabilities.

Efficiency Experts:

Individuals aiming to boost time management skills and overall productivity.

Culture Builders

Managers experiencing high staff turnover and seeking to improve recruitment and onboarding processes.

Accuracy Analysts

Those struggling with forecasting accuracy and efficient management of sales metrics.


Leaders wanting to foster a culture of continuous improvement and innovation within their teams.

Let us help you refine your skills to navigate challenges and capitalise on opportunities, paving the way for a successful career in sales management and driving growth within your organisation.

How Our Sales Manager Enabler Will Help Turn Your Challenges into Opportunities

Area of Focus Strategy and Action Outcome and Benefit
Clarity and Focus
Gain a clear understanding of sales strategies and processes, eliminating confusion and uncertainty.
Learn to prioritise tasks and focus on high-impact activities, reducing wasted energy.
Motivation and Morale
Develop techniques to boost team morale and motivation, creating a positive and productive work environment.
Overcome negative thoughts, impostor syndrome, and self-doubt by building self-confidence and resilience.
Strategic Alignment
Align team efforts with business objectives, ensuring everyone is working towards common goals.
Turn current challenges into opportunities for growth and innovation by adopting a proactive mindset.

What to Expect

8-Week Group Coaching with Peers

Equipped with practical tools for immediate application. Ensure you are prepared to lead the way and manage sales complexities confidently.

Group Coaching

Experience dynamic group coaching that energises, elevates, and empowers leadership skills, fostering active participation and transformative results.

Learning Materials

Access extensive learning materials reinforcing key concepts and practices, allowing for experimentation and skill refinement in a supportive environment.


Develop an understanding of personal and professional barriers hindering performance, with effective strategies provided to overcome them.


Sessions led by seasoned facilitators drive change and enhance team dynamics, instrumental in significantly advancing participant development.


Our holistic approach ensures immediate enhancements in capabilities and establishes a foundation for sustained career and sales team success.

Area of Focus Strategy and Action Outcome and Benefit
Clarity and Focus
Gain a clear understanding of sales strategies and processes, eliminating confusion and uncertainty.
Learn to prioritise tasks and focus on high-impact activities, reducing wasted energy.
Motivation and Morale
Develop techniques to boost team morale and motivation, creating a positive and productive work environment.
Overcome negative thoughts, impostor syndrome, and self-doubt by building self-confidence and resilience.
Strategic Alignment
Align team efforts with business objectives, ensuring everyone is working towards common goals.
Turn current challenges into opportunities for growth and innovation by adopting a proactive mindset.
Enhanced Communication
Become adept at managing upwards and the expectations of those around you.
Build resilience and adaptability through proactively handling conflicts and team objections.
Personal Credibility
Nurture your personal brand and learn to appreciate different perspectives to elevate your credibility.
Recognise your conscious and unconscious bias and how it impacts your decision-making.
Understand personal strengths and weaknesses, leading to better self-management.
Improved self-management and personal growth.
Change Management
Lead and implement change initiatives effectively within their teams.
Successfully manage and adapt to change, ensuring smooth transitions and team buy-in.
Values and Perspectives
Appreciate diverse perspectives and integrate values-based leadership.
Foster an inclusive and values-driven team culture.
Inspire and motivate themselves and their teams to achieve peak performance.
Enhanced team motivation and performance.
Performance Management
Manage and improve team performance through effective coaching and feedback.
Consistent performance improvements and skill development.
Bias Navigation
Recognise and mitigate biases in decision-making and team interactions.
Fair and unbiased decision-making processes.
Enhance decision-making skills, leading to better outcomes and results.
Improved decision-making leading to better business outcomes.
Time Management
Improve productivity through effective time management and understanding where to focus.
Increased productivity and efficient use of time.
Sales Strategy
Develop and execute sales strategies that align with business goals.
Effective sales strategies that drive business growth.
Forecasting and Metrics
Enhance forecasting accuracy and manage sales metrics effectively.
Reliable sales forecasts and better performance tracking.
Sales Processes
Streamline sales processes to improve efficiency and results.
More efficient sales processes and improved outcomes.
Recruit and onboard new team members effectively, reducing turnover.
Effective recruitment and onboarding processes, resulting in lower turnover.